Ex-Jehovah’s Witness Support
W.Support aims to help youths raised as Jehovah’s Witnesses cope until they can leave home. It provides a safe space, reminding them they are not alone. The site offers support, advice, and links to useful resources and forums.
Target Audiences:
Youths: Specifically, young ones planning to leave the Jehovah’s Witnesses or those in the process of leaving.
All Ages: The wealth of information on JW.Support benefits people of all ages interested in joining or leaving the religion.
LGBTQ+ Individuals: The platform includes a section with articles and links to help cope with the added trauma of being LGBTQ+ within the Jehovah’s Witness community.
Internet Safety: For Jehovah’s Witnesses researching questions about their beliefs, JW.Support outlines safety precautions when using the internet.
Remember, you’re not alone, and support is available! If you’re feeling lost, consider checking out the article “I Feel Lost” on the platform.