Empowering Cult Survivors - A Grounded Theory Research and Cult Media Project

led by Evvie Lionheart

For the past three years, Evvie Lionheart has been tirelessly seeking funding to support a groundbreaking research project. This project aims to delve into the unique experiences of Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) who have been born into, recruited by, and have left cults. Despite the tragic history of cultic abuse in places like Jonestown and Waco, where the majority of victims were people of color, there is a glaring lack of research into the unique experiences and recruitment tactics used by cult leaders on people of color.

Evvie Lionheart, a Black, trans-nonbinary individual, was born and raised in a fundamentalist doomsday cult and is the only member of their family to have left. Despite being denied formal secondary education and experiencing over a decade of severe childhood abuse, Evvie has overcome numerous challenges, including homelessness and discrimination due to racism and disability, to become a relentless advocate for people who have experienced childhood trauma. Evvie is an autodidactic scholar, community organizer, and facilitator who has been supporting cult survivors around the globe for 3 years in a monthly virtual peer support group hosted by The Family Survival Trust UK.

Evvie’s research proposal (linked below), and the linked personal statement video created for the 2024 Just Tech Fellowship, outline a comprehensive investigation into the intersection of emerging technology, coercive control, and social justice. The project involves a Grounded Theory research study and will result in a limited series podcast, a living archive of accessible information on coercion and recovery, and a cybersecurity workshop for professionals and lay people. This multifaceted approach aims to amplify the voices of BIPOC cult survivors, generate insights for cybersecurity practices, and contribute to ongoing social justice efforts.

However, Evvie has faced repeated barriers to securing funding for this vital work due to a lack of credentials, systemic racism, and a lack of social capital - all direct results of being a cult survivor. Tired of fighting for recognition from institutions that perpetuate the same limited perspectives that drive people of color into cults, Evvie is now turning to crowdfunding to gather the resources needed to conduct this research.

This is a call to action. Support Evvie Lionheart, Emergent Phoenix, and media justice in a mission to shed light on the experiences of marginalized cult survivors. Your contribution will benefit not only cult survivors but also anyone hoping to free themselves from coercion and authoritarianism. It’s time for us to break the chains and live liberated lives. Support this research and join us in this journey towards liberation and social justice.

Research Abstract:

Embodied Tech - Healing the Disconnect: A Cult Survivor’s Blueprint for Tech Liberation

This project aims to conduct a comprehensive investigation into the intersection of emerging technology, coercive control, and social justice, specifically focusing on the experiences of marginalized cult survivors, led by researcher Evvie Lionheart. The project involves a Grounded Theory research study and outcomes include a limited series podcast, the creation of a living archive for accessible information on coercion and recovery, and a cybersecurity workshop for professionals and lay people. This multifaceted approach seeks to amplify the voices of Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) cult survivors, generate insights for cybersecurity practices, and contribute to ongoing social justice efforts.


Why aim for a lofty goal of $200,000? This isn’t just a number, but a stepping stone towards an expansive research journey that I am passionate about. This amount mirrors the most generous fellowship I’ve sought, one that resonates with the breadth of the work I envision.

With this funding, I can break free from the constraints of ‘doing more with less’. It empowers me to compensate our invaluable research participants, honor experts with due recognition, and ensure my own housing security.

Moreover, it provides access to cutting-edge research tools and media production technology, crucial for effectively disseminating the fruits of our research. For a more in-depth understanding of the research and media project I propose, please refer to my comprehensive research proposal linked below which includes the original written project proposal, budget worksheet, multiple recommendation letters, and more. Your support can make this vision a reality. Let’s embark on this journey together.

Emergent Phoenix is currently open to fiscal sponsorship, coaching scholarship sponsorship, or donations from any organization or individual wanting to make Emergent Phoenix’s somatic offerings available at no cost to Queer, Trans and Gender Non-Conforming (GNC), Black, Indigenous, and Bodies of Color and Culture survivors. If you're an organization that wants to discuss fiscal sponsorship of EP, donate, or wants to sponsor particular offerings, please reach out to us through our General Contact Form.

Are you an individual or friend who wants to support?

Another helpful to directly financially support Evvie is through a small monthly donation through Patreon with membership tiers beginning at $1 a month with some great content! You can also make a one-time donation online via PayPal or mobile apps like Venmo to sponsor a coaching scholarship, or just to send good energy—details below!

Indicate “EP donation” in the details so Evvie can thank you properly!

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  2. Chuffed (General Donation for Cult Survivor Scholarships)

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  5. Venmo

thank you for supporting!